Buyer Personas

We asked ChatGPT to re-write a random ad for home refinance according to the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types. I have included the ChatGPT prompt in case you want to try this with one of your ads:

ChatGPT Prompt For Writing PPC Ads

rewrite the following ad to reflect each of the 16 personalities in the myers-briggs: Your Local Mortgage Broker Can Help You Refinance Your Current Home Loan. Connect With A Trusted Houston, TX Mortgage Advisor Today! Apply Now. Types: 0% Down Purchase, VA Loans, Jumbo, And More.

This is what it came up with:

Here’s a rewrite of the ad tailored to each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types:

1. ISTJ (The Inspector)

“Refinance your home loan with a reliable and trustworthy local mortgage broker in Houston, TX. We offer clear, practical solutions including 0% down purchases, VA loans, and jumbo loans. Apply today and ensure your financial future is secure.”

2. ISFJ (The Protector)

“Your Houston, TX mortgage broker is here to support and guide you through refinancing your home loan. With caring advice and trusted solutions like 0% down purchases and VA loans, we’re dedicated to your financial well-being. Connect with us today.”

3. ESTJ (The Executive)

“Refinance your home loan with an experienced and no-nonsense Houston, TX mortgage broker. Offering smart financial solutions such as 0% down purchase, VA loans, and jumbo loans, weโ€™ll help you make the right move. Apply now and take control of your future.”

4. ESFJ (The Consul)

“Your trusted Houston, TX mortgage broker is ready to help you refinance your home loan with personalized care. From 0% down purchase to VA loans, weโ€™re here to ensure your needs are met with compassion. Apply today for peace of mind!”

5. ISTP (The Virtuoso)

“Get flexible, straightforward refinancing options with your Houston, TX mortgage broker. From 0% down purchases to jumbo loans, we offer the tools you need to make quick, effective decisions. Apply now to get started on your own terms.”

6. ISFP (The Adventurer)

“Refinancing your home loan doesnโ€™t have to be complicated. Let your local Houston, TX mortgage broker help you explore creative options like 0% down purchases or VA loans. Connect today for personalized, stress-free solutions.”

7. ESTP (The Entrepreneur)

“Ready to make a smart move? Your Houston, TX mortgage broker has the solutions you need to refinance your home loan fast. From 0% down purchases to jumbo loans, we offer options that fit your lifestyle. Apply today and seize the opportunity.”

8. ESFP (The Entertainer)

“Take the exciting step to refinance your home loan with your friendly Houston, TX mortgage broker. Whether itโ€™s a 0% down purchase or a VA loan, weโ€™re here to make the process simple and enjoyable. Apply now and letโ€™s make it happen!”

9. INTJ (The Architect)

“Refinance your home loan with strategic guidance from a trusted Houston, TX mortgage broker. Explore smart options like 0% down purchases or jumbo loans and secure your financial future. Apply today to take a calculated step toward success.”

10. INTP (The Logician)

“Refinance your home loan with logic and precision. Your Houston, TX mortgage broker provides clear, data-driven options like 0% down purchases and VA loans. Connect today and apply for the mortgage solution that fits your analysis.”

11. ENTJ (The Commander)

“Take charge of your finances with a trusted Houston, TX mortgage broker. We offer efficient refinancing options, from 0% down purchases to jumbo loans, designed to help you achieve your goals. Apply now and lead your financial future.”

12. ENTP (The Debater)

“Ready for a better deal? Your Houston, TX mortgage broker offers innovative refinancing options like 0% down purchases and jumbo loans. Letโ€™s find the smartest way to refinance your home loan. Apply today and start the conversation.”

13. INFJ (The Advocate)

“Refinance your home loan with the guidance of a compassionate and trustworthy Houston, TX mortgage broker. We offer meaningful, value-driven solutions like 0% down purchases and VA loans. Apply now and take a step toward financial peace.”

14. INFP (The Mediator)

“Your home deserves the best care, and so do you. Let a trusted Houston, TX mortgage broker help you refinance your loan with thoughtful solutions like 0% down purchases or VA loans. Apply today and take a step toward a brighter future.”

15. ENFJ (The Protagonist)

“Refinance your home loan with the trusted support of a Houston, TX mortgage broker. We offer personalized, empowering options like 0% down purchases and VA loans. Apply today and letโ€™s work together to achieve your financial goals.”

16. ENFP (The Campaigner)

“Ready to refinance? Your Houston, TX mortgage broker has creative and exciting solutions, from 0% down purchases to VA loans. Letโ€™s turn your financial dreams into reality. Apply today and start your journey toward a better future!”

Why Is This Important?

Well, depending on the size of your campaign and the type of people that you want to do business with, writing for different personality types can attract the kinds of people that you want (or are better equipped) to do business with.

Knowing your own personality type might be handy for this exercise. Take a look at

if you would like to know which personality you are!

The reason this is important is because you might be writing ads that appeal to one kind of personality and neglecting many of the others. Also, you might be writing ads that appeal to one kind of person and sending them to a page on your website that appeals to a different kind of person.

This might be creating a disconnect for your website visitors which could cause your landing pages to have poor conversion rates.

This can happen in companies too where the ad appeals to one kind of person, the landing page to another kind of person, and the person who answers the phone appeals to yet another kind of person. This is especially true for people that tend to have stronger personality types.

Knowing the kind of person you are dealing with as a business owner will only help you when it comes to closing the sale.

So What Kinds Of People Should You Be Targeting?

In Myers-Briggs theory, compatibility between personality types is often influenced by how well their cognitive functions and preferences align. While all types can get along with effort and understanding, some pairings tend to be naturally more harmonious. Here are some key factors that contribute to better compatibility:

1. Shared Preferences

  • Introverts (I) vs. Extroverts (E): Introverts often enjoy spending time with other introverts who respect their need for solitude, while extroverts might bond well with other extroverts due to shared energy and social interaction needs.
  • Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Judging types tend to appreciate structure and planning, while Perceiving types enjoy spontaneity. When paired with others who share their preference, they often find it easier to relate.

2. Complementary Cognitive Functions

Each Myers-Briggs type has a dominant and auxiliary cognitive function (thinking, feeling, sensing, or intuition). Types with complementary functions often get along well because they balance each otherโ€™s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Dominant Intuition (N) and Dominant Sensing (S) types can balance each other by bringing different perspectivesโ€”intuitives focus on big ideas and possibilities, while sensors provide practical, detail-oriented insights.
  • Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) types can complement each other in decision-making, with thinkers bringing logic and feelers offering empathy and consideration for values.

3. Similar Cognitive Processes

Types that share cognitive processes often find communication easier, even if they have different preferences (e.g., ENFPs and INFJs both lead with Extraverted Intuition and Introverted Feeling).

4. Common Ground in Personality Pairings

Here are a few pairings that often get along well, based on their shared or complementary traits:

  • INFJ and ENFP: Both types are intuitive feelers, with complementary introversion/extroversion. INFJs value depth and empathy, while ENFPs bring enthusiasm and creativity.
  • ISTJ and ESTJ: These types share a practical, logical approach to life but differ in their social preferences, which creates balance.
  • INTP and ENTJ: INTPs are idea-oriented and analytical, while ENTJs are more action-driven and decisive. Together, they complement each other in problem-solving.
  • ISFJ and ESFJ: These types are both nurturing and value-driven, making them excellent partners in relationships that value tradition and care.

5. Opposites Can Attract

Sometimes, opposites also attract due to the “balance” they provide. For example:

  • ENTP and INFJ: ENTPs are extroverted, creative, and quick-thinking, while INFJs are introverted and idealistic. They can balance each otherโ€™s different approaches to life and problem-solving.
  • ISFP and ESTP: ISFPs are sensitive and reflective, while ESTPs are spontaneous and action-oriented, which can create a dynamic relationship where both partners help each other grow.

6. Potential Conflicts and Growth Opportunities

  • Introverts and Extroverts: Introverts may feel drained by extroverts’ energy, while extroverts may feel neglected by introvertsโ€™ need for alone time.
  • Judging and Perceiving: Judgers may find perceivers too disorganized or spontaneous, while perceivers may view judgers as rigid. These differences can be challenging but also an opportunity for growth.

Ultimately, the best compatibility comes down to mutual respect, understanding, and communication, regardless of personality type. When both individuals are willing to appreciate each other’s differences, any Myers-Briggs pairing can thrive.

Shouldnโ€™t I Want To Sell To Everyone?

Of course you should strive to provide polite, courteous service to everyone you meet, but knowing the type of person you are dealing with can help you sculpt your messaging appropriately for the services you provide.

Does This Mean I Have To Write 16 Versions Of Everything?

Unless you are Coca-Cola, the answer is definitely no.

There is a simpler way to think about all of this that involves quadrants. This reduces the number of versions from 16 down to only 4.

Learning the 16 personality types and then practicing by trying to guess your friends personality types is a valuable skill for any business owner to have but can seem very complicated. Thatโ€™s why many marketers use the following instead:

The 4 Personality Types

The concept of four major personality types is a simplified model used in different personality theories. Here are a few common frameworks:

1. DISC Model

The DISC model categorizes personalities into four primary types based on behavior:

  • Dominance (D): Direct, results-oriented, strong-willed.
  • Influence (I): Social, outgoing, enthusiastic.
  • Steadiness (S): Patient, calm, supportive.
  • Conscientiousness (C): Analytical, detail-oriented, precise.

2. Keirsey Temperament Theory (Based on Myers-Briggs)

Keirsey divides the 16 Myers-Briggs types into four temperaments:

  • Guardians (SJ): Practical, responsible, and reliable.
  • Artisans (SP): Action-oriented, spontaneous, and adaptable.
  • Idealists (NF): Compassionate, empathetic, and focused on personal growth.
  • Rationals (NT): Logical, strategic, and problem-solving.

3. Four Humors (Ancient Greek)

This is an ancient personality model that associates personality with bodily fluids:

  • Sanguine: Optimistic, social, and lively.
  • Choleric: Ambitious, leadership-driven, and confident.
  • Phlegmatic: Calm, peaceful, and reliable.
  • Melancholic: Analytical, detail-oriented, and introverted.

4. The Big Four Personality Types (Simplified Approach)

In many everyday discussions, personalities are boiled down to four broad categories:

  • Type A: Ambitious, highly organized, and competitive.
  • Type B: Relaxed, easygoing, and creative.
  • Type C: Detail-oriented, analytical, and risk-averse.
  • Type D: Negative outlook, prone to stress, and cautious.

Each of these models provides a framework for understanding human behavior in a simplified yet effective way.

So, letโ€™s take the example from the beginning and instead of using the 16 personality types, letโ€™s alter the ChatGPT prompt a bit and use the following. You can substitute whichever model you identify with most.

ChatGPT Prompt To Rewrite PPC Ads For The 4 Personality Types

rewrite the following ad to reflect each of the four temperaments in the Keirsey Temperament Theory: Your Local Mortgage Broker Can Help You Refinance Your Current Home Loan. Connect With A Trusted Houston, TX Mortgage Advisor Today! Apply Now. Types: 0% Down Purchase, VA Loans, Jumbo, And More.

While the ads still need a little more tweaking, you can start to see the idea.

This was the response:

Here’s a rewrite of the ad tailored to each of the four temperaments in Keirsey Temperament Theory:

1. Guardians (SJ)

“Refinance your home loan with a trusted, reliable mortgage broker in Houston, TX. We offer practical options like 0% down purchases, VA loans, and jumbo loans to ensure your financial security. Connect with a dependable advisor today and apply now!”

2. Artisans (SP)

“Ready to make a quick move on refinancing your home loan? Your local Houston, TX mortgage broker has flexible options, including 0% down purchases, VA loans, and jumbo loans. Get the fast, action-oriented service you need. Apply today and seize the opportunity!”

3. Idealists (NF)

“Let a caring and supportive Houston, TX mortgage broker guide you through refinancing your home loan. We offer options like 0% down purchases and VA loans, designed to fit your values and future goals. Connect today to take the next step toward financial peace. Apply now!”

4. Rationals (NT)

“Refinance your home loan with strategic, expert guidance from a Houston, TX mortgage broker. We offer smart solutions like 0% down purchases, VA loans, and jumbo loans to help you achieve your financial objectives. Apply today and make an informed, logical decision!”

Each version speaks to the core motivations and values of each temperament type in Keirseyโ€™s model.

You can see that each type of ad appeals to a slightly different kind of person. Hopefully this gives you some ideas on how some of your ads could be re-written and tested going forward.

People are basically either introverts or extroverts and they either process information by feeling or thinking. If you look at the Big 4 Personality Types, you might notice a few things.

The Big Four Personality Types

  • Type A: Ambitious, highly organized, and competitive.
  • Type B: Relaxed, easygoing, and creative.
  • Type C: Detail-oriented, analytical, and risk-averse.
  • Type D: Negative outlook, prone to stress, and cautious.

We put the following prompt into ChatGPT:

what kind of messaging does each of the following respond to? The Big Four Personality Types โ€ข Type A: Ambitious, highly organized, and competitive. โ€ข Type B: Relaxed, easygoing, and creative. โ€ข Type C: Detail-oriented, analytical, and risk-averse. โ€ข Type D: Negative outlook, prone to stress, and cautious.

And this was the response:

Hereโ€™s the kind of messaging each of the Big Four Personality Types typically responds to:

Type A: Ambitious, highly organized, and competitive

  • Messaging style: Goal-oriented, fast-paced, and achievement-driven.
  • Effective messaging:
    • Emphasize success, leadership, and results.
    • Highlight efficiency, speed, and competitive advantages.
    • Use phrases like “outperform the competition,” “achieve your goals faster,” or “be the best.”
    • Focus on metrics, performance, and status-related outcomes.
    Example: “Get ahead of the game and secure the best mortgage rates. Our competitive plans help you reach your financial goals faster.”

Type B: Relaxed, easygoing, and creative

  • Messaging style: Casual, fun, and open-ended.
  • Effective messaging:
    • Emphasize flexibility, enjoyment, and creativity.
    • Highlight a stress-free, laid-back experience with room for personal expression.
    • Use phrases like “take it easy,” “explore your options,” or “find what works for you.”
    • Appeal to lifestyle and creativity over competition.
    Example: “Enjoy a relaxed refinancing experience. We’ll help you find the perfect mortgage plan at your own pace, with plenty of options.”

Type C: Detail-oriented, analytical, and risk-averse

  • Messaging style: Logical, clear, and data-driven.
  • Effective messaging:
    • Emphasize thoroughness, facts, and well-researched options.
    • Provide detailed information and transparent processes.
    • Use phrases like “data-backed decisions,” “secure your future,” or “plan with precision.”
    • Focus on minimizing risks and ensuring long-term stability.
    Example: “We offer a detailed refinancing process with transparent rates and data-backed solutions. Make informed decisions with confidence.”

Type D: Negative outlook, prone to stress, and cautious

  • Messaging style: Reassuring, empathetic, and focused on risk mitigation.
  • Effective messaging:
    • Emphasize safety, security, and stress reduction.
    • Provide clear steps, guarantees, and assurances.
    • Use phrases like “worry-free process,” “weโ€™ve got your back,” or “minimize risks.”
    • Focus on support, hand-holding, and reducing uncertainty.
    Example: “Refinancing can be stressful, but we make it simple and secure. Our experienced team will guide you every step of the way, ensuring peace of mind.”

Each type responds to a specific set of triggers, so tailoring your message to appeal to their core motivations can increase engagement.

So now we can see what looks like 4 different possibilities for a specific ad. Also, you can see how the landing page might also need to be tailored to each personality type.

Does This Mean I Need 4 Landing Pages For Every Campaign?

It means you might want to start there and then see what performs the best in your area. In WordPress, I would suggest writing out your normal landing page for a service and then using a prompt like:

ChatGPT Prompt For Home Services Pages

pretend you are a marketing executive from a large home services company like home advisor and re-write the following article 4 times for each of the Big Four Personality Types: Type A, Type B, Type C and Type D. Here is the article: We are a local Houston-area mortgage company and we have been closing mortgage loans for over twenty years. Whether you are a first time home buyer or have gone through the loan process many times before, we will help ensure that your home buying experience goes smoothly and efficiently.

Here is the response:

Hereโ€™s the re-written article for each personality type:

Type A (Ambitious, Organized, Competitive)

“We are a leading Houston-area mortgage company with over 20 years of success in closing loans quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or a seasoned pro, we’ll help you secure the best deal, fast. Count on us to streamline the process and keep you ahead of the game.”

Type B (Relaxed, Easygoing, Creative)

“We’re a Houston-area mortgage company with over two decades of experience making home-buying easy and stress-free. Whether it’s your first home or you’re a repeat buyer, weโ€™ll guide you through the process at your pace, ensuring itโ€™s smooth and enjoyable.”

Type C (Detail-Oriented, Analytical, Risk-Averse)

“As a Houston-area mortgage company with 20 years of experience, we pride ourselves on a thorough and transparent loan process. Whether youโ€™re a first-time buyer or experienced, we provide detailed guidance, ensuring every step is carefully managed for a secure, successful outcome.”

Type D (Cautious, Prone to Stress)

“With over 20 years in the Houston mortgage market, weโ€™ve helped countless home buyers navigate the process with ease and reassurance. Whether itโ€™s your first time or youโ€™ve done this before, weโ€™ll handle every detail, reducing stress and ensuring a smooth, worry-free experience.”

So, now we have 4 ad types and 4 corresponding page contents. The next step is to add this to our WordPress website. There are several ways to do this and the way you choose depends on your goals for the website.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic Content is where you pass a variable in the link of the site that then loads the appropriate version of the page for the visitor. If not done properly, this can negatively affect your SEO so be careful with this option.

Create Different URLs

This option involves having the โ€œwinningโ€ content on your website service page and then having variations for each option. You would then set the variations to โ€œno-indexโ€ in WordPress so that they donโ€™t result in duplicate content penalties or other negative experiences.

For example, if your url is, then you would keep this as the test page and then add the following pages:

Then, you would set the URLs in your different ad versions to match the pages you created on your website. Run the different ads evenly over time for your area and see if a clear winner emerges. If it does, consider using that version as your main page and then the others might make great blog posts (which can also be landing pages for your ads).

The diagram below shows how you can create blog posts out of the secondary ads that still lead to a service page, or, better yet, convert to a phone call or form fill right there on the blog page.

So, now we have an idea about personality types, personality quadrants, how they affect ad copy and landing pages and strategies to use these in your paid marketing campaigns.

Next time we will go over: How To Create A Content Plan For Your Home Services Company

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Alex Smith
Alex Smith

Alex Smith

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