Category: 12 Short Weeks

  • Buyer Personas

    We asked ChatGPT to re-write a random ad for home refinance according to the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types. I have included the ChatGPT prompt in case you want to try this with one of your ads: ChatGPT Prompt For Writing PPC Ads rewrite the following ad to reflect each of the 16 personalities in the…

  • Week 1: Setup Getting Setup For Success Overview: Getting Setup For Success! Content: BONUS: Guide: Keyword Research Techniques Week 2: Analytics & Tracking Analytics and reporting helps you make data driven decisions in your marketing efforts. This means that you can make educated decisions about where your marketing dollars are best spent. Overview: How To Create Meaningful Reports…

  • ChatGPT had the following to say about the best marketing approach for the 16 personality types from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The 16 personality types, based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), can offer insights into marketing strategies by helping tailor approaches to different customer segments. Each personality type has distinct preferences and decision-making styles,…

Alex Smith
Alex Smith

Alex Smith

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